‘Pray First’ in May (and always!)

Please join us each day in May as we pray a special prayer for God’s guidance for the future of the communities inside and outside the walls of Hope and for guidance in your own personal journey as well.  All of the prayers were written by anonymous members of Hope, and will be available in printed booklets outside of the sanctuary, on…

Worship Production Volunteers Needed!

As Hope increases its online presence through live streaming, there are plenty of opportunities to help as a volunteer.  You don’t even have to be a technical expert or computer person!  Please use this form to sign up for areas of interest, and we’ll provide plenty of training and guidance.  Look below the form for additional information about each volunteer position. Open…

We’ve got lots of ways to give to God.

There are many ways that we can support the work of God through Hope United Methodist Church. Our church understands generosity and stewardship as a combination of five things: prayers, presence, witness, gifts, and service. These five things strive to help us be balanced in living generous lives. Naturally some of these are easier than others for each of us to do,…

What is the liturgical year?

You’d be surprised how often pastors hear this question within the church. To be fair, I don’t think we often talk enough about the liturgical seasons in the church, and if you didn’t notice that the paraments (cloths on the altar and pulpits) change you may not even notice that we have different seasons either!  The liturgical year guides us on a…