Our Food and Clothing Missions Continue to Bring Hope to the Community

Throughout the pandemic, the people of Hope, as well as our church partners in the area, have continued to serve our community.  Here is the schedule of available food and clothing services offered.  If you are in need, please feel free to stop by – and be sure to pay attention to the location from the descriptions below.

Free take out (drive thru) meals are offered each Wednesday from 4:30-5:30pm at Hope (79 Center Rd). The meals are provided by Hope United Methodist and by St. Mary’s Church Group: “Father Dan’s Helping Hands.”

Free take out (drive-thru) meals are also offered on the last Thursday of each month at The Lutheran Church of the Covenant at 19000 Libby Road in Maple Heights. These meals are provided by The Lutheran Church of the Covenant, Hope United Methodist Church, and Faith Fellowship.

A Food Pantry is available at Hope (79 Center Rd) on the first Monday of each month at 11:30am, the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30pm, and the fourth Friday of each month at 9:30am. The food pantry is sponsored by St. Mary’s Church Group: “Father Dan’s Helping Hands.”

A Free Clothes Closet is available each Wednesday from 9:00-11:30am at our Hathaway location (6060 Turney Rd. in Garfield Heights).  It is sponsored by Hope United Methodist Church.