Hope’s worship and sermon archive
Lessons: Psalm 42:1-5 and Matthew 6:5-15 Message: “Worship and Prayer, Why Do We Care?” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Jonah 3:1-10 and Mark 1:14-20 Message: “Follow Me” by Rev. Mark Geisthardt
Lessons: Matthew 2:1-2, 10-12 and Luke 3:21-22 Message: “We trust our belovedness” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Luke 2:21-24 and Luke 2:25-38 Message: “We Root Ourselves in Ritual” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Luke 1:46-55 and Luke 1:67-80 Message: “We Sing Stories of Hope” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Psalm 126 and Luke 1:57-66 Message: “We Allow Ourselves to be Amazed” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Isaiah 40:1-11 and Luke 1:24-45 Message: “We Find Joy in Connection” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Message: “We Acknowledge our Weariness” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and Matthew 25:14-30 Message: “Glorious Purpose” by Rev. Andrew Scott