Hope’s worship and sermon archive
Lessons: Numbers 11:24-30 and Acts 2:1-21 Message: “Happy Birthday” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Acts 1:1-11 and Luke 24:44-53 Message: “When the Task Falls to Us” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Acts 17:22-31 and John 14:15-21 Message: “Words and Actions” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: Acts 7:55-60 and John 14:1-14 Message: “Jesus Among Us” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Message: “3 P’s of Peace” by Erin Domer Lessons: Proverbs 3:21-24 & Proverbs 4:19-27
Message: “Jesus Among Us” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: 1 Peter 1:3-9 and John 20:19-31 Message: “Digging In” by Rev. Andrew Scott
Lessons: John 20:1-9 and John 20:10-18 Message: “Love Stays” by Nancy Hoffmann
Good Friday worship service, April 7 is hosted by South Haven Church of Christ at 7:00pm at 415 Northfield Road, Bedford, OH 44146. Live Stream link: http://www.facebook.com/southhavenucc/live
Maundy Thursday worship service, April 6 is hosted by Friendship Mennonite Church at 7:00pm at 21881 Libby Road, Bedford Heights, OH 44146. Live Stream link to beginning of worship: https://www.youtube.com/@friendshipmennonitechurch9658 Link to reflection/discussion material: https://themissionofhope.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Maundy_Thursday_Online_Zoom_Reflection.pdf Zoom link to discussion/reflection: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89497953790?pwd=K2N0ZGhKNmV3dmFIRUJxdUtTanc1UT09