Dear Members and Friends of Hope UMC,
It is time again for us to share the joy we have in the birth of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. The warmth that Jesus gives us throughout the year and the
comfort we find in Him are our greatest Blessings. This is a very special
time of year for both the young and old when we share the love of
Christmas with our family and friends.
I hope you will find it in your hearts to help make this Christmas a
special one, with a gift to show our staff members Pastor Andrew Scott,
Gabrielle Schuttenberg, Michael Charters, Dale Ball, Amy Cook, and Isaac
Becker-Howell that they are loved and appreciated.
Please place your gift in the offering plate or mail it to Hope UMC. If
donating by check, make check payable to Hope UMC, and designate sta
appreciation in the memo.
Our goal is to share our gifts with the Church staff during Christmas
week, so it would be helpful if you shared your gift no later than
December 22nd. May you and your family have a blessed Christmas.
Yours in Christ,
Bret Johnson
PPR Chairperson