Stop by for fresh produce as long as it lasts from 10am-noon every 4th Saturday, sponsored by Everlasting Covenant Ministries, in partnership with the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.
Sponsored by Father Dan’s Helping Hands. 79 Center Rd, Bedford, OH.
Free take out (drive-thru) meals at The Lutheran Church of the Covenant at 19000 Libby Road in Maple Heights. These meals are provided by The Lutheran Church of the Covenant, Hope United Methodist Church, and Faith Fellowship.
Whether a seasoned usher or new to ushering, all are invited to the Parlor for a light breakfast, great conversation, information, and time with other great people of Hope.
Meet in Fellowship Hall for science, snacks, singing, and faith explorations. These activities are designed especially for children going into Kindergarten through 5th grade. Parents/Caregivers do not need to stay, but should come downstairs to complete an Emergency Contact form. It would be helpful to plan if you could text Becky Johnson with your reservation (440) 724-8068.
Sponsored by Father Dan’s Helping Hands. 79 Center Rd, Bedford, OH
The United Handbell Choir rehearses weekly on Monday evenings, and consists of members from several churches. They provide music for worship services monthly at Hope and at the Lutheran Church of the Covenant in Maple Heights. New ringers are welcome! Please call the church office if you are interested.